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QS Anagenesis Lotion (1000ml)

QS Anagenesis Lotion (1000ml)

SKU: 0100146

Specializēts sejas losjons ar mandeļskābi (8 %), kas sašķeļ keratinocītu saites (gludai pīlinga veikšanai), aktivizē reģenerācijas procesu un veicina kolagēna sintēzi. Vienlaikus tas attīra poras, regulē ādas krāsu toni, samazinot hiperpigmentācijas plankumus, kā arī izlīdzina sīkās līnijas un grumbiņas.


    QS PROFESSIONAL is a Greek company that produces and sells professional, innovative cosmetics and medical devices for specialized applications according to strict quality standards.

    Company owes its dynamic development to the interdisciplinary knowledge of its team members, its multiannual experience, the use of contemporary raw materials and methods and its customer-oriented approach.

    ‘QS PROFESSIONAL offers, for 30 years now, high quality services and beauty products of high standards with emphasis on innovation, safety and efficiency. We invest a great deal in our partners’ training and education, as we believe that it provides them with the ability to cope with the present challenges in order to offer excellent, quality services. Our objective is to continue working alongside the beauty industry professional, to be pioneers and to maintain our credibility at all levels’ - .Konstantinos Koutsogiannis


    Exfoliation face lotion

    Description: A specialised face lotion with Mandelic Acid (8%), which breaks the bonds of keratinocytes (for smooth exfoliation), activates the regeneration process, and promotes collagen synthesis. At the same time it cleanses the pores, regulates skin colour tone, minimising blemishes of hyperpigmentation, and smooths fine lines and wrinkles.

    Directions for use: Apply to the face with a damp cotton pad, avoiding the area around the eyes. It is essential to use a sunscreen product afterwards.

    Use: Daily, for visible results.

    Result: Cleanses and renews skin cells.


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